Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ubuntu after 5 years

20th of cotober 2009 was the fifth anniversary of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. Today Ubuntu is the star of the Linux desktop and has achieved a level of popularity that is unprecedented among the various open source operating system.

Brief History:

The Ubuntu Linux distribution is named after an African philosophical principle which holds that the betterment of the individual and community are interconnected.this philosophy is then redefined into Ubnutu Code of Conduct.

This code is simple set of rules that Ubuntu members committed to follow and it encourages respectful and considerate collaboration to make Ubuntu more inclusive and welcoming to new contributors.

What makes Ubuntu Different :

-Short, time-based release cycles

Ubuntu is characterized by its short release cycle as it kept a constant six-month cycle based on the GNOME release model.This allowed the user to keep up_to_date .There is 12 Released available now and there is a new release on its way to be released on 29 April's aminly released in april and in cotober every year since 2004 .

-Easy installation from a single CD image

it's installation is very easy process and Ubuntu could be Booted from a CD to try it first before don't have to handle any packages or anything during installation .its size is about 700 MB .

-Ubuntu Development

Ubuntu is developed through an open community process. Anyone with the necessary technical skills can contribute to the development of Ubuntu. If you want to learn, you can find a mentor within the development team to help you along.
Information about the development of Ubuntu can be found in the developer documentation, which is maintained in the wiki. It explains how the development team is structured, provides technical information about developing Ubuntu, and indexes other useful resources for current and prospective Ubuntu developers.

-Convenient access to useful proprietary components

Although the Ubuntu developers aim to provide a free and open desktop, the distro makes it easy to install important proprietary components that many users require to have a functioning Linux system. The difficulty of installing these bits on other mainstream Linux distributions had previously been an impediment to many prospective Linux adopters. Ubuntu's restricted driver tool will automatically detect and optionally install proprietary drivers that are required by the user's hardware. The distro also includes a codec tool that will help users install the GStreamer packages that they need to play certain video content.


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